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Hire festival and street theatre entertainers for engaging, interactive fun and to increase footfall! Offering free and open performances attracts a diverse audience whilst the interactive nature of street performers creates personal connections and shared moments! The spontaneity, uniqueness and surprise of unexpected acts add excitement to the day and will encourage people to stay around and enjoy the fun. From music and dance to dinosaurs and magic, our street performers come in a huge variety of themes and costumes, to ensure there is something for everyone! Open-air settings contribute to a unique atmosphere, with the energy of the crowd bringing an exhilarating experience to all. Colourful costumes, live music and sound effects offer visual and sensory appeal, while the proximity of the street theatre performers creates an intimate connection with the audience. Contact our entertainment experts for ideas for your event! Our fresh approach means we can present a portfolio of unique, professional acts and products to ensure we deliver amazing and memorable events. Expect a WOW, expect fun, expect a crowd!

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