Terms & Conditions

Big Foot Events Terms of Business in accordance with the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 (which are referred to hereinafter as the Regulations) as follows:

Big Foot Events Ltd acts primarily as an Employment Agency in compliance with the Regulations.

As an Employment Agency, our position is that we act as Agents for the Artiste/Supplier and, whilst bookings are arranged by us with you, The Hirer, the agreements then coming into force are between you, the Hirer, and the Artiste/Supplier.

If we need to act as an Employment Business at any time in arranging Artistes/Supplier, or providing a particular Service such as Décor, Props or Draping, we will tell you at the time of making the booking and will document that fact in confirmations or contracts issued for such engagement(s). Under those circumstances, your contract is directly with Big Foot Events Ltd.

Site visits may be required for certain events & services. Should a site visit prove necessary, this can be arranged via Big Foot Events and all charges and costs that apply will be explained at this time.

We are obliged to make reasonable enquiries with you as to any Health & Safety risks or other legal requirements applying to you, the hirer, before supplying an Artiste/Supplier. Equally, we will advise you of any special requirements of the Artiste/Supplier we supply and, if applicable, of any risks involved in the presentation of the Artiste/Supplier.

We confirm that we have/will have obtained authorisation from the Artiste/Supplier to act as their Agent for the purpose of seeking, negotiating and securing engagements, as appropriate to their specific talents, within the entertainment industry.

We confirm to you that we have/will have made all reasonable enquiries with the Artiste/Supplier regarding their suitability and that we have obtained all relevant and necessary information required, as defined in the Regulations.

Please note, in the case of Prop & Equipment Hire, all goods remain the property of the Supplier at all times. The Supplier reserves the right to substitute hired equipment with equipment of a similar type and value without notice in the event of previous damage or loss of booked equipment. All sizes quoted are approximate. The Supplier reserves the right to alter any product specifications without prior notice. The Hirer will be liable for the cost of any loss or damages to props or equipment that occurs whilst on hire to them. 

If, after having arranged an Artiste/Supplier for you, we are made aware that any such Artiste/Supplier is/are or may be unsuitable for the engagement in question, we are obliged to bring this to your attention and possibly to terminate the engagement.

It may often be the case that, in seeking always to supply the best entertainment for you, we will sub-contract the services of (a) suitable Artiste/Supplier from other Employment Agencies or Employment Businesses. When and if we do so, we will ensure that our Terms of Business with such other Employment Agency or Employment Business are in place before making the booking and that they, in turn, have all required permissions and information necessary from the Artiste/Supplier. We will also document the involvement of such other Employment Agency or Employment Business in contracts/confirmations issued.

All Artistes/Suppliers are advised to carry Public Liability Insurance (PLI) and, where applicable, to have their equipment PAT certified. You should please stipulate whether Artiste/Supplier PLI is a necessity for any engagement. We would also similarly expect you to carry appropriate PLI cover & to ensure that all electricity supply points are regularly checked and are safe for use by the Artiste/Supplier. (If you are hiring a venue, then you should seek such assurances from the venue management).

Booking an Artiste, Supplier or Service:
Once a booking has been confirmed with the Hirer and Artiste/Supplier either verbally, via email or in writing, both parties enter into a legally binding contract that reflects the Terms and Conditions as verbally agreed. Non-signature of documentation does not constitute termination of this agreement.

Big Foot Events will then issue a Contract within 5 working days, which should then be acknowledged, checked and signed within 7 days. Big Foot Events will hold copies of all contracts and acknowledgements.  

Where the Artiste/Supplier requires additional clauses, this will be added as a ‘rider’ to the contract. We will ensure you are made aware of any additional expenses that may be incurred in any rider conditions prior to confirming a booking.

Payment Terms agreed at the time of booking will be clearly stated on the Contract or Confirmation.

If a Deposit and Pre-Payment is agreed for an Artiste/Supplier, money will be held in a Client Account until successful completion of the booking.

If it is agreed that you will be paying the Artiste/Supplier direct on the day of the performance (or as agreed where multiple performances are booked), the person to whom payment should be made will be named on the documentation.

The Hirer must ensure that the venue where the event, booking or service is taking place is completely safe and is properly licensed to present live entertainment (if applicable). If there are any physical obstacles, load-in issues, parking permits or rules that may affect this booking, service or artiste performance, you must advise Big Foot Events at the time of booking. If the artiste or service is unable to take place due to venue restrictions that have not been disclosed, the Hirer will still be liable for total fees. 

An adequate, and preferably lockable, room should be provided for the Artiste/Supplier to change and store personal items and equipment.

If either the Hirer or the Artiste/Supplier has a problem or complaint, the issue should be raised with Big Foot Events at the time, or as soon as possible afterwards. Problems can usually be resolved via communication. If necessary, please put your complaint in writing within 7 days of the event and Big Foot Events will aim to reach a satisfactory outcome between both parties. If the matter cannot be resolved or a new agreement reached, the Hirer and the Artiste/Supplier may need to seek legal advice. Big Foot Events act with a duty to care to all parties.

Please note, there is no provision for Cancellation by either party within the contract excepting Force Majeure, in which case neither party will be liable for any failure to perform or provide a service as a result of fire, flood, earthquake, storm or other natural disaster; war, terrorist activities, death, certified illness (proof required), epidemic, pandemic (including Covid-19), accident, civil commotion, order of Government or Local Authority.

A penalty may be incurred in the event of you cancelling this booking for a reason other than force majeure if the Artiste/Supplier is unable to mitigate the damage i.e. find replacement work for the booked date in question. Big Foot Events will always act with a duty to care to both parties and assist negotiation between the Hirer and Artiste/Supplier. A guide to cancellation fees that may be incurred is as follows:

In the event of a cancellation where the Hirer cancels a contract agreement more than 90 days prior to the event date, the Hirer shall forfeit the Deposit paid. If the Hirer cancels the contract agreement at any time between 30 days and 90 days a 50% cancellation fee may apply. If the Hirer cancels the contract agreement at any time between 14 days and 30 days, a 75% cancellation fee may apply. If the Hirer cancels the contract agreement at any time between 14 days and the date of the event / booking date, 100% of the cancellation fee may apply. Please note, this is a guide only; the artiste/supplier may be willing to accept a cancellation if they can mitigate the loss. N.B. Special dates, such as New Year’s Eve may incur a higher rate cancellation fee if the artiste or supplier is unable to replace the date.

In the event of Artiste/Supplier illness or accident resulting in the act being unable to fulfil the engagement, Big Foot Events Ltd will notify the Hirer accordingly at the earliest opportunity and endeavour to find a suitable replacement. It is at the Hirer’s sole discretion to accept the replacement artiste/supplier offered. If the replacement artiste/supplier is accepted, then both parties enter into a new verbal agreement which shall apply.  If a suitable replacement is not found, the Hirer shall have the right at their sole discretion to cancel the agreement and receive a full refund. The Hirer shall be free to conclude any alternative agreement or engagement with any other persons for the contracted date.

Should any changes to the contract arise on the booking date itself and both parties are in agreement, e.g. later / earlier set times, reduced or extended performance times, then they enter into a new verbal agreement which shall apply. If an additional charge is required by the Artiste/Supplier and agreed by the Hirer, this should be paid at the time.

The Artiste/Supplier must adhere to contract timings and notes given prior to the booking. In particular it is imperative that all personal equipment is set up and in place prior the start of the event. Hirers, venue managers and event organisers attempt to keep everyone happy with timings etc, and inevitably some changes are unavoidable. Co-operation on these occasions will be greatly appreciated.

The Artiste/Supplier will perform ‘as known’ and any changes must be advised and discussed with Big Foot Events prior to the performance. Where a ‘deputy’ is required, the ‘dep’ must be of the same standard and calibre as the original Artiste/Supplier. Big Foot Events will discuss and agree any ‘dep’ replacements with the Hirer prior to the booking or performance date.

The Artiste/Supplier undertakes that his or her performance / service shall not be dangerous to themselves, the Hirer or the employees at the venue. It is agreed and understood by the Artiste/Supplier that they shall insure for both personal and public liability insurance.

Please note, adequate security arrangements must be in place for the Artiste/Supplier, provided by the Hirer at its expense. In the event of any occurrence or factor deemed to be a threat to the health and safety of the Supplier, for example disruptive elements in the audience, the Artiste/Supplier may cease their performance until such threat has been satisfactorily dealt with and /or removed. If, following this in the reasonable opinion of the Artiste/Supplier and the Hirer, all or any part of their performance cannot be performed without further risk to the Artiste/Supplier’s health or safety then the Artiste/Supplier may refrain from performing and notwithstanding the full fee will be due.

Big Foot Events has a zero-tolerance policy to Racism and Discrimination. We Love Diversity! Staff members, freelance artists or audience members should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their Race, Ethnicity, Background, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Age, Disability, Religion or Political beliefs.

Big Foot Events has a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment and abuse of any kind. We treat people as we expect to be treated. Staff members, freelance artists, suppliers and audience members should be treated with respect and courtesy at all times.

Artiste/Supplier must behave professionally and politely at every venue they perform in; our clients are used to a high level of professionalism and we expect all artistes and suppliers to uphold this when working on an engagement. Excessive drinking, use of drugs, using bad language and scruffy appearance are NOT acceptable. Please use designated smoking areas where applicable.

For a period of 12 months from the date of the event the Hirer must negotiate any additional bookings for the Artiste or Supplier via Big Foot Events.

Artiste/Supplier must be aware that commissions are payable on any renewals or extensions to any contract secured by Big Foot Events and any rebookings made within a 12 month period.

In the event of an emergency of any kind, in the first instance please call Big Foot Events on 01253 351100 during office hours, or 07599 202857 outside of office hours. An emergency contact number is always left on our answer-phone.

If there is anything above that you do not fully understand, feel unable to comply with, or are unhappy about for any reason, please contact us prior to booking any act or service.