Hire a Street Theatre Show

The Flycycle

Come away with us on a journey of your wildest dreams, aboard our famous travelling machines, The Submercycle and The Flycycle!


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    Come away with us on a journey of your wildest dreams, aboard our famous travelling machines, The Submercycle and The Flycycle!

    Choose a travelling companion, find the Departure Lounge, and we’ll take care of the rest. We take two at a time and dress you in hats so sublime.

    With Captain Bigshot, you’ll fly up, up, and away, crossing continents in turbulent adventures. Or dive under the sea with Captain Calypso, encountering denizens of the deep. Under the sea or high in the sky, all ages are welcome. Together we’ll weave unforgettable stories.

    This Cycle-based Street Theatre is suitable for most weather conditions outdoors, or indoors (in a large space). These travelling machines are a guaranteed crowd puller.

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