Hire an Interactive Polar Bear Walkabout

Polar Pip

Combining beautiful costumes, animatronic puppetry, strong characterisation, and witty banter, this gentle Polar Bear giant and his rumbustious friend will surely enchant at any Christmas event.



  • BIOG

    Combining beautiful costumes, animatronic puppetry, strong characterisation, and witty banter, this gentle Polar Bear giant and his rumbustious friend will surely enchant at any Christmas event.

    Meet the Pips! Brothers from another mother. With a shared passion for mackerel and a wealth of festive charm, these firm friends will enliven any Christmas celebration. Little Pip the Elf is a hyperactive dynamo of curiosity, whilst Big Pip remains an exponent of thinking slowly and the power of stillness. Revel with these festive characters, give Big Pip a stroke or pose for a photo.

    This Polar Bear may not speak your language, but he’ll certainly make sure you know how happy he is to be here. The cold is snow joke where Pip comes from, and that’s why he’s wearing that scarf! Don’t be shy now! Step forward, say hi and if you want the best bear hug in town – all you have to do is ask.

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