Hire a futuristic Robot for Events


Created by tv and film special effects artists, this unique and highly interactive robot is perfect for trade shows, exhibitions, technology events and conferences.


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    Created by tv and film special effects artists, this unique and highly interactive robot is perfect for trade shows, exhibitions, technology events and conferences.

    ITSY boasts cutting edge audio-visual technology and the ability to engage an audience with a direct voice performance that is unmatched in this genre.

    ITSY Robot adds not only a futuristic edge to your event but will also endear themselves to your guests!

    With a warm yet mischievous character and wicked sense of humor, something which many roaming robot acts lack. This allows them to deliver a clear and concise message that ensures an audiences is left with an in-depth knowledge of your product, company and brand.

    This powerful combination can forge long-lasting relationships with potential clients and ensures that guests are left with lasting memories of the event and ultimately, the client’s brand.

    Features of ITSY Robot include full mobility and interactivity – dancing, roaming, posing for photos and a chest-mounted screen offering clients the ability to customize with branding, messages and videos.

    Their dynamic image, endearing character and spontaneous humour mean that as well as interacting with guests as a walkabout act they also have a commanding stage presence whether they are on stage or the event floor.

    Offering the latest technology with a human touch, this exciting robot character will add a new dimension to any event or production

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