Giant Martini Glass Performer | Burlesque Party Dancers | Big Foot Events

Giant Martini Glass Performer - Class In A Glass

Giant Martini Glass Performer

Hire our 8 foot Martini Glass prop complete with a glamorous dancer to perform inside. Not just an amazing prop, this glass gives the opportunity to make a real impact when filled with one of our hostesses, showgirls, burlesque performers or even Marilyn Monroe!



  • BIOG

    The largest Martini Glass in the UK!

    Not just an amazing prop, this glass gives the opportunity to make a real impact when filled with one of our hostesses, showgirls, burlesque performers or even Marilyn Monroe!

    Either as Meet & Greet or as a focal point of your event, our interactive performers really make the most of this eye-catching prop.

    Complete with uplighters, the glass can be filled with glitter, feathers and even water to create a glamourous effect.

    Please complete the form below and we'll get back to you.

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