Hire Hawaiian Themed Ukulele Vocalist

Matthew Quilliam - Ukulele Vocalist

Matthew Quilliam is a Ukulele Vocalist, performing a wide range of styles - including Hawaiian theme - to suit your occasion.



  • BIOG

    Matthew Quilliam is a Ukulele Vocalist, performing a wide range of styles – including Hawaiian theme – to suit your occasion.

    Sometime in mid-2011, a young boy picked up his first ukulele, quickly becoming fascinated with the instrument. 12 years later and Matthew Quilliam became the first person to use the ukulele for an entire music degree, graduating in 2023 with first class honours.

    Thanks to his life-long connection and expertise with the instrument, this Ukulele Vocalist has developed a wide skill set and a popular range of shows, whilst showing no signs of slowing down.

    Versatility is in abundance when it comes to Matthew’s capabilities as a Ukulele Vocalist. With his boundless energy and his trademark smile, Matthew is sure to leave any audience wanting more.

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